Whatever the goal, planning is important. If you are planning on taking charge of your health by losing weight, it is important to start by planning and preparing. I would never have been able to run well over 20 miles that day if I had not prepared what I would need ahead of time. Your journey to a new fit, healthy you starts at the grocery store. Plan your shopping and buy what you need to prepare healthy meals at home, including meals you can take to work. Having what you need ahead of time will prevent you from resorting to junk food snacks and fast food lunches.
The trail grew gradually wilder as I ran. At the parking area I crossed the white painted lines of the crosswalk, stepped onto the gray gravel of the start of the trail which gradually gave way to dirt well hardened by many footsteps. Soon the leaves that had fallen all winter obscured the trail so that there were times I had to stop an search for a faint line of flatness in the leaves and hopefully a blue blaze on one of the trees. As I approached the crossing of this trail with another trail I checked my watch. Since I knew the mileage of that section of trail, it was easy to calculate that I was nailing a ten minute per mile pace, perfect for this easy paced long run.
Many times when you start, there is a time when your eating habits and workouts just click into place. Everything goes smoothly and there is continuous progress to your goal. When it is going smoothly it is so motivating and you might feel unstoppable. Use that momentum to your advantage, but keep in mind it might not always be a smooth ride.
At several places on the trail I had to step, leap, climb across small streams. At some of these the spring from which the stream escaped from underground was visible.
At one, I could even see a cave entrance. Tempting.
I crossed the stream that slinked its way out of the cave, scanned ahead to find the trail and continued. The trail was gradually becoming more and more obscured by leaves.
Left? Right?
At his point I had been running for over an hour. I grabbed my map and got a rough idea how far I had gone if I were still running at about 10 minutes per mile. I decided that I was at the point of the map where the trail turned about 170 degrees and continued. I turned, scanned for the slightly flattened line in the leaves, saw it and a blue blaze, turned, and ran. At times, my light jacket felt too warm, but with the gray overcast sky and the strong winds blowing I was glad to have it. I ran down the trail, leaves crunching with each step. I leapt over some fallen trees and scrambled under others. I saw another cave spring ahead and decided to stop for another picture.
Wait a minute. That picture looks familiar.
Sometimes, you will experience setbacks. Instead of losing two pounds one week you may discover you've gained three. Your schedule one week may have been very busy resulting in one too many fast food stops. You might have given in to the craving for some chips or ice cream.
Setbacks happen. When they do, the important thing is what you do next. Stop, regroup, get back on track, adjust your plans. Do whatever you need to start making progress again.
It turns out that after I had run for an hour I made the reasonable mistake of miscalculating that 170 degree turn and made a 180 degree turn. I decided to head back to the point where the two trails crossed and reassess the rest of my running route to be sure I got the mileage I wanted. Unfortunately there were some trail closures, so I had to do quite a bit of replanning. I did see some awesome scenes along the way.
I saw deer and turkey, and I found some very muddy trails.
The last eight miles or so were so muddy that It seemed to take three steps to make one step of forward progress. The mud grabbed my feet trying to hold me in place, the trail slid out from beneath me trying to drag me down, it was a struggle to move. Then I wound up on a connector trail when I should have been on my return loop.
Then I saw it. Through the woods, I saw the roadway.
I snuck through the growth knowing that going this way would be all but impossible in a few months. I got on the roadway and jogged, walked, ran, and walked some more the last few miles back to my car. It was a harder day than I anticipated, but I did what I had to do and met my goal. I actually ran an extra mile or two over the 22 I had planned.
Achieving your weight loss or fitness goals won't always go smoothly, but if you persevere, you can find a way. If you recognize the importance of a healthy lifestyle and set your mind to it, you can find a way. It may not be the path you expected, it might be very difficult, but with planning, execution, and perseverance you can do it.
So what are you waiting for?
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