That might sound a little dramatic, but that is a pretty good description of my thinking. I am on a mission.
My mission is not to promise you shredded abs, or a bikini body in six weeks. It is not to guarantee you explosive muscle growth so that guy on the beach will stop kicking sand in your face.

My mission is not to burn belly fat and fit you in to your jeans.
If those are your goals, I have some good news my mission will help with those goals, but those are not what my mission is about. Weight loss, muscle growth, toning and fat loss are the side effects of my mission, not the goal.
My mission is to help you become more able to carry out your mission. I believe that every single person has something important to do. Your mission might be research that will eliminate some horrible disease, or it might be raising a child, it could be encouraging girls to become engineers, or it could be teaching boys to be respectful of women when they reach dating age.
The point is, whatever your mission, my mission is to help you be physically fit enough to make it happen. Without good health, your mission will be cut short. It will be curtailed by lack of energy, by time spent in doctor's offices and hospitals, and it will be stopped abruptly by an early death.
My mission is to grant you more energy, more strength, and more years on this planet so that you can coach little league, teach robotics to kids, get families out of poverty, cure cancer, raise a child all the way into adulthood or whatever your mission should be.
So please, eat right and get fit.
If you want help with it, contact me.
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